What happens in a Somatic Energy Healing Session?
Original Blog written by Tara Ocenar
Hi! I have been showing up in a new location and meeting some amazing new people. This is a question that I get asked a lot so I wanted to put it out there for anyone who might be wondering but has not had the chance to speak with me in person or on zoom. On the day or your appointment, before we even meet I will be preparing my energy and my space to welcome you, setting up the energetic container for your healing.
When I prepare for a session, I will energetically clear myself…because none of my “stuff” should affect you. I do a bit of somatic shaking to shake off any energy that I may have picked up that day and then I set my intention to be a grounding stable pillar in the session. I prepare my mindset to hold space for whatever comes up in session.
When we are meeting for the first time, we will have a discussion around what brings you here today, and maybe go over some information from your intake form. I ask you what you know already about spinal energetics or the akashic records. There are a lot of videos out there with spinal energetics sessions so you may have some idea of what you are expecting. The truth is many of those videos are not people’s first sessions. It is pretty rare for someone to have a lot of movement with me in their first session. It does happen but not that often. Most of us walking around as adults have experienced things in our lives to create some disconnection between our mind and body. Unless you have been working with other somatic practices it is very common that there will be no movement in your first session. However sometimes no matter how many sessions you have you may not experience a lot of movement…some people are more internal processors and they may feel the movement inside their body it is not an external process for them. Movement or not, the process works. To be honest, most of the clients I work with do not have a lot of movement in sessions with me and they have felt big shifts and more alignment after their sessions.
We will talk about this being a body-led process. As with any holistic health practice, we often describe ourselves like an onion, there are many layers to our healing. The best way to approach sustainable healing is to work on the outer layer first, that will be what our body is ready to process, integrate, and embody. This is a process of surrendering to what your body wants to let go of today. In the session, I will check your feet to assess where in the body I am meant to activate a release from. If I do not have access to your feet for any reason I can use my intuition to connect with your body and find out where we are meant to begin working. My strongest intuitive gift is connecting with someone somatically so this is not a struggle at all. I have worked a lot of my life to be able to turn this gift off so it is so beautiful that I get to lean into it fully in our sessions together to help navigate your healing.
We will also discuss what it may feel like in session. I will ask you if you have ever experienced any form of energy healing before. If you have, you will likely know what it feels like in your body or mind….energy is received differently for everyone. Some people feel things in their bodies, some people see visions or colours, and some people feel really light, or heavy, or extremely relaxed. All of this is common in spinal energetics as well aside from the movement aspect.
You also have a choice for me to open your Akashic Records in your session. The Akashic Records is a realm that stores all of your soul’s history. When we open the records for your session I am opening the channel for you to receive so much love and healing from your team there but also when I am connecting to release at certain points in your body, I can ask that we can also release any similar traumas from any past lives at the same time, to really help clear the slate around the thing you are releasing. As someone who has worked in the Akashic Records for many years, I have found that a lot of our patterns in this life are often related to old patterns. Through this process of combining spinal energetics and the akashic records, we can really help clear everything all at once if your body is ready to let go of the pattern, there is healing to share with other versions of you as well.
The beautiful thing about Somatic Energy Healing is that you can let stuff go that has been stuck in your body for a long time and you do not have to revisit the experience or trauma with your mind. You do not need to know what you are releasing. If you are ready to move on we are allowing your body to let this energy move out. Over the next few days, you will experience an unwinding within your body and it is possible to have an emotional or physical release. If this happens it is beneficial to let the energy flow out without searching what it is from. I often say allow the emotions to just be energy in motion. Society has led us to believe that certain emotions are good and certain are bad. High Vibe or Low Vibe maybe, but in my opinion all emotions are neutral, they just need the time and space to be moved out of your body in a safe way. This being said a lot of us are not used to allowing energy to flow freely through our bodies, we are taught at a young age that we should suppress our emotions to make others feel comfortable around us. So if the release process after your session becomes a bit stressful, I am here to help still. After every session, I offer a free 20min distance energy healing on demand. If you are struggling you can email me and ask for extra support. If you choose to reach out, there is no time to schedule or Zoom meeting to attend. I will send the energy healing with the intention that you receive it when you are ready. I will let you know it has been sent and when you have time and space to relax you can intend to let it flow. Most people feel a lot better after this.
I spend a little bit of time letting you know that you cannot do this wrong because a lot fo people will ask what am I supposed to do? Just like any other energy healing process, the more you can surrender to the process the more you will get out of it but you cannot do it wrong. I will be playing music in the session so if you are having a hard time letting go it is ok to just focus on the music. If you are an avid meditator you can go into meditation. If your mind wanders you can let it, I often recommend, staying curious and allowing all your thoughts to flow. I have even had clients that take a little nap in session. This process works best without too much thinking so falling asleep is not going to take away from the session.
When you are feeling good about everything we will get ready to begin. I will ask you if you feel comfortable lying on your stomach for the session. This way I can physically check your body for indicators on where to work. If this is not comfortable for you I am totally fine to do the session with you sitting up or lying on your back. You can always move in the session into any position that feels more comfortable. This is your session and it is important that you trust your intuition, I can work around it.
If you choose to lay on your stomach, I will dim the lights, turn on the music, and energetically begin the session. I will open your Akashic Records if you have agreed to that. I will connect to you energetically and help you relax by sending some energy healing first. When you are ready to begin the spinal energetics process I will check your feet and begin to work where your body is indicating.
In the session, I will be continuously monitoring your physical body and energetic body to hold a safe space for you as things are moving, I will slow down the flow of energy or speed it up depending on how you are responding to the process.
When we are done I will let you know that you can take your time getting up…it is common to be a bit lightheaded after all the movement of energy. I will let you know it is good to take a moment to move and stretch your body in any way that feels good. I will then give you a little time alone to come back into the here and now.
After this, I will ask you how the experience was for you and then have a little debrief with you about where in your body we released from and any intuitive messages that came up while I was working. You will receive a follow-up email in 24 hours with some journaling prompts, and my ebook about grounding and energy hygiene to help you integrate and embody the healing we did today. I will remind you that you can reply to that email over the next week if you need a bit of added support as you move through this release.
I am so excited for you to be able to let go and feel more freedom in your life to be your true self!